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What happened to the Nazis after Hitler di*d?

After the downfall of Hitler in April 1945, the Nazi regime faced diverse fates. While some faced justice, others evaded capture and sought ...

Faisal Azam 1 Sep, 2024

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Why Did People Shoot at Planes with Rifles During WWII?

It's a natural human instinct to hide when in danger, especially when being shot at. There's nothing wrong with that—it’s just part ...

Abdullah Cheema 23 Sep, 2024

10 Facts About the Fall of France in World War II

After Germany invaded Poland, France and Great Britain declared war on Germany. In 1940, Hitler turned his attention to France, aiming to co...

Abdullah Cheema 22 Sep, 2024

What Happens When a Soldier Dives on a Grenade, and Can It Save Lives?

Diving on a grenade isn’t just a movie trope—it’s a real-life heroic act that has saved countless lives throughout history. But how does thi...

Abdullah Cheema 22 Sep, 2024

How to Survive a Grenade Blast, According to Science

When a grenade lands near you, panic might set in, but there are specific actions you can take to increase your chances of survival. Here’s ...

Abdullah Cheema 22 Sep, 2024

Why do Brits say 40% of Moscow's 1941 tanks were British, despite many breaking down?

One issue is that, aside from the low-value 'tankettes,' around 40% of the tanks defending Moscow in December 1941 were British. Thi...

Faisal Azam 21 Sep, 2024

Which Country Will Win: Russia or Ukraine? A Deeper Look at the Conflict

At first glance, it seems like Russia would win the war against Ukraine easily. Here's why: Air Force Russia’s air force has about 190,0...

Abdullah Cheema 21 Sep, 2024

What was it like to live in Germany during WW2?

Living in Germany during World War II was an increasingly difficult and harrowing experience, particularly as the war progressed. My mother,...

Abdullah Cheema 20 Sep, 2024

Why was the German Army so Effective in World War 2?

After World War I, Germany faced a period of chaos marked by severe inflation and an economic crisis. Once a powerful nation, it was reduced...

Abdullah Cheema 20 Sep, 2024