How did these 3 leaders (Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt) communicate? Did Stalin speak English?

During the Yalta Conference in February 1945, each leader - Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin - had an interpreter with them.

At the end of one dinner, Stalin proposed a toast to the 3 interpreters “who worked while we were enjoying ourselves” and “who have no time to eat or drink”. Churchill immediately chipped in with a parody of Karl Marx, “Interpreters of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your audience.”Stalin broke into hearty laughter.

Source: Duc Quyen (Quora)

Is it true that Stalin was actually only about 5 foot 4?

He was probably a little taller than that, if not by much. Below we find pictures of Stalin with US President Harry Truman and Sir Winston Churchill. Truman stood about 5′9″ and Churchill... (Read Full)

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