After the resignation, the former head of the USSR practically lived in a dacha near Moscow
Here. Near the house, Khrushchev’s favorite dog named Arbat.
Khrushov’s best friends after the resignation. German shepherd Arbat and rook Kava (the former head of the USSR picked up the rook that fell out of the nest, fed and cured him. The bird became completely tame and always followed him)
1966 year. Khrushchev on the banks of Istra is watching his grandson Nikita, who is riding a boat.
Aged Khrushchev has a new hobby - agricultural work. His guard Mikhail Titkov recalled: “When they came to the service, he says:“ Let's plant the currant bushes! ” We ourselves made a greenhouse for cucumbers and tomatoes, he says: "Michail, here, as soon as the first cucumbers appear, I will give the first cucumber to you." Well, in the morning he woke up early, went to see what was in his greenhouse, then I looked, he was coming to me: "Michail, I promised you, here he is the first cucumber for your trouble."
Nikita Sergeevich began to arrange greenhouses. Itself bent water pipes, made a frame of greenhouses, carried out water supply, himself dragged and unscrewed pipes, installed cranes ...
Tomatoes and cucumbers grew in greenhouses, and dill, radish, potato, pumpkin, sunflowers and corn grew outdoors.
The agricultural activities of Khrushchev continued until the spring of 1971. He was already very ill and in April, modestly celebrating his 77th birthday, walked around the site. He poked his wand into the beds and said: "The doctor forbids working, so this year we will not start a garden." He had less than six months to live ...
Source: Alex Korolev (Quora)
Is it true that Stalin was actually only about 5 foot 4?
He was probably a little taller than that, if not by much. Below we find pictures of Stalin
with US President Harry Truman and Sir Winston Churchill. Truman stood about 5′9″ and Churchill was about 5′6″ … (Read Full)