The “Rickover kit”.
When Admiral Rickover embarked on sea trials for the Groton-built new construction submarines, if he were to remain on-board overnight, the ship was required to have certain personal items aboard for his access (read: not necessarily for his use…..simply had to have them, should he WISH to use).
Dubbed the “Rickover kit”, it was comprised of a size 36 set of submarine one-piece coveralls (“poopie suit”), Navy-blue in color, emblazoned with his embroidered name and rank, gold dolphins and his appropriate collar devices; size 7–1/2, steel-toed Navy issue “moulders” boots (slip on); an appropriate ship name ball cap with flag officer scrambled egg visor; 1 gal of lemon sherbert or sorbet; one bag of lemon drops; and, one bag of wrapped peppermint candies. All of these items needed to be aboard the departing ship, stowed visibly in the XO’s stateroom, where the Admiral would always bunk.
The Rickover kit was typically the responsibility of the ship’s Supply Officer to manage/maintain; and, in the spirit of efficiency, the Squadron TWO (CSS2) Supply Officer in Groton would always have a kit ready to go, excepting the ice cream. Seldom an issue; clockwork.
On one momentous day, a new 688-class sub was getting ready to depart, ADM Rickover having already embarked. The CSS 2 Suppo called down to boat and spoke to the boat Supply Officer, reminding him to retrieve the Rickover kit. The boat Suppo responded by stating that he was too busy to worry about trivia. Fine; whatever.
15 minutes later, with the tugs tied up to the ship and all but one mooring line left to cast off, the sub’s XO comes racing up the pier towards the CSS2 building….and, to be met at the front door by the Squadron’s Deputy Commander with the Rickover kit in hand. Returning to the sub with the kit items and a dripping gallon of lemon sherbert, pretty good bet that some terse words were later exchanged, on-board!
Who is considered the first SEAL, officially? Were the first Seal instructors taken from the UDT teams?
The man credited as being the first Navy SEAL is a man by the name of Harry Beal. Beal enlisted in the United States Navy in 1948. A few years into... (Read Full)
Source: Kent (Quora)