Why did the soldiers wear green and not camouflage in the Vietnam War?

The US military started using camouflage fatigues in the second war, mainly in the Pacific they stopped afterwards and then started using them again in the Vietnam war.

I’m not sure how widespread it was but the US Marine Corps and the US Army had tiger stripes and towards the end of American involvement ERDL (named for the Engineer Research and Development Laboratory) that developed it, the pattern was a precursor to Woodland

The pattern was developed in 1948 and fielded in 1968 then a modified form of the woodlands pattern became the standard uniform for all the branches almost 20 years after that. I’ve always assumed the reason the US various other Armed Forces were slow at adopting camouflage came down to cost.

How did soldiers get lost in the jungle during the Vietnam War?

During the Vietnam war, navigation was extremely difficult because the jungle has extremely limited view range, so it became difficult to locate landmarks... (Read Full)

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